October half-term football camps at Alty

Hot on the heels of the announcement of our Coaching Masterclasses, we are delighted to announce the October half-term football camps at Altrincham Football Club.

The camps offer the perfect opportunity for young players between the ages of 4 and 16 with both girls and boys welcome. The club’s academy coaches Paul Fay and Ross Speight will be running the sessions and will be supported by first team players including Ben Pringle

There is a 30% discount for all early bookings prior to Monday, September 26th at 5pm.

All bookings should be made via the web links below and the sessions will take place at St Ambrose College (WA15 0HE). Players should bring appropriate clothing, a packed lunch and drinks.

Reach out to admin@altrinchamfc.com if you have any questions.

4-day block booking Tues 25th – Fri 28th October


Tues 25th October 


Weds 26th October


Thurs 27th October


Fri 28th October


2024/25 Half Season Ticket

Altrincham FC

2024/25 Half Season Ticket

$224.78 USD