Isaac surgery hailed a success

Words John Edwards Picture Jonathan Moore

Isaac Marriott has undergone successful surgery on an ankle injury and can now set his sights on working his way back to full fitness.

Altrincham's dynamic midfielder sustained significant damage to an ankle in the very last moments of the Robins' Vanarama National League fixture with Woking at The J.Davidson Stadium earlier this month.

After the extent of the injury was carefully assessed, it was decided an operation was required, and it was carried out yesterday.

Everyone at the club is delighted that the surgery was successful and that Alty's vice-captain can now focus fully on a recovery programme that we all hope will be completed in time for the start of next season.

Isaac's high-octane presence at the heart of midfield has been a key factor in Alty's rise to play-off contention this season, and the way he stepped into the breach and led by example in the absence of injured skipper James Jones said everything about his commitment and influence on the team's fortunes.

We all trust your recovery goes to plan and progresses at the rate you are hoping for, Isaac, and we very much look forward to seeing you back in Alty colours again next season.

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