Funeral details for much-loved Alty volunteer Jean Prince


Jean Prince’s funeral cortege will be passing the stadium at 2:45pm on Monday 27th of June as it makes its way to the crematorium.

Anyone who wishes to attend the wake, this will be held in the Community Sports Hall from 4pm.


The funeral for Jean Prince will be held at Altrincham Crematorium on Monday June 27th at 3.15pm.

Anyone who wishes to attend the wake, this will be held in the Community Sports Hall from 4pm.

Jean, hugely admired and respected throughout her many years as an Alty volunteer and held in great affection by everyone who knew her, died on Friday June 3rd.

Fittingly for someone with such a long, close association with the club, the funeral cortege will pass by The J.Davidson Stadium and pause briefly on its way to the crematorium.

It was typical of Jean's devotion to the Robins that, despite suffering from ill-health for some time, she attended the end-of-season awards evening in the Community Sports Hall after the final game of the 2021-22 campaign against Yeovil Town last month.

She began volunteering way back in the 1970s and soon became known for a warm, welcoming smile that contributed significantly to Altrincham's reputation as a friendly venue to visit.

It was very much a family effort, with Jean helping wherever needed and dispensing hospitality to guests and her late husband Keith filling the role of club kitman for many years.

In more recent times, it was visitors to the Vice-Presidents' Lounge who were greeted by that familiar smile and equally-unmistakeable 'cuppa tea, love?', an always-convivial welcome that made Jean the face of Altrincham FC to so many people.

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