Altrincham Football Club Board Update

Over the last couple of months, we have made a number of appointments to the Altrincham Football Club Board, reflecting the changes we have made on the playing side in transitioning to become a full-time football club. 

To that end, we welcome Mark Chapman, Chris Hamlett and Mark Luby to the Board.  All three are based in the Altrincham area, and all have hit the ground running in making strong contributions to the club. 

Mark Chapman is a well-known broadcaster in sports media, as host of Match of the Day 2 and BBC Rugby League, as well hosting Sports Report and The Monday Night Club on BBC Radio FiveLive. He is studying for a Masters in Sports Directorship at Manchester Metropolitan and is chair of Manchester Originals in The Hundred. His extensive experience across a wide range of sports in the industry will prove invaluable. 

Chris Hamlett is the Managing Director at Armstrong Projects, and he has taken up the role of the club’s Stadium Director.  Chris has already been responsible for the refurbishment of the Noel White Suite, the Armstrong Projects VP Lounge and the Board Room, the Fan Zone and the home and away changing rooms. With an increasing focus on developing The J. Davidson Stadium over the coming years, Chris has a critical part to play in the club’s development 

Mark Luby is the Managing Director of EBS Aftermarket Group Limited and brings extensive international business experience to the club.  He has made a significant investment already in Alty and is now our single biggest shareholder.  As a former Altrincham Grammar School for Boys pupil, Mark spent many an hour on the Golf Road in the Glory Days and is looking forward to seeing those days return.  He has already taken on a couple of strategic projects that could make a game-changing difference to the club. 

We have also seen two members come off the board recently. 

Derek Wilshaw, our longest-serving Board member, passed away at the end of July at the age of 86.  His love for the club was clear for all to see.  He was always ready with solid advice, and his forensic questioning will be almost as sorely missed as his acerbic sense of humour. 

In addition, Cathal Morrison has  decided to step down after three years on the Board.  He was instrumental in the set-up of the Altrincham FC Academy, oversaw the creation of our scouting network and implemented our player wellbeing programme.  He has made a significant contribution to the club during his tenure, and he will always be welcome at The J. Davidson Stadium. 

This year's AGM will be held on Tuesday 15th November in the Community Sports Hall at The J Davidson Stadium, commencing at 19:00.  The bar will be open in the CSH from 18:30.  All shareholders should have received (by post or email) relevant documentation ahead of the session, but if this has not happened, the documents can be requested from Colette Lennon of MBL at  We look forward to seeing our shareholders at the AGM. 

This is an ambitious Board, and we have consistently heralded the need for further investment, bandwidth and capability at Board level, and these three appointments will help us do that at scale. The next few years are critical to the football club, and we face the challenges and opportunities ahead in excellent shape. 

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