Update from the board on Fan Zone progress

Work has resumed on the construction of a Fan Zone at The J. Davidson Stadium, and the club are pleased to be able to update supporters on progress to date and plans for completing the project. 

The initiative was launched early last year with the intention of providing a space where supporters could congregate on match days and enjoy a drink in a convivial atmosphere. 

A crowdfunding appeal generated a five-figure sum, due to the generosity of supporters and sponsors, and an interim version of the Fan Zone duly opened and operated for the first five home games of last season. 

While urgent remedial work on structural ground issues had to take priority, in order for us to be able to reopen the Golf Road and Popular Side, the club faced the additional problem of costs spiralling in the meantime for work that was still needed on the Fan Zone. 

The club completely understand and appreciate the frustration that will have been felt by supporters at progress stalling, but we remained determined throughout to deliver the promised new match day experience for Alty fans, even if plans have had to be modified slightly. 

The design of the Fan Zone has evolved to contain the growing costs and to proceed within the club’s revised budget, but the positive news is that, with the help of our friends at Armstrong Projects, progress is being made and we are nearing the point where at least part of the Fan Zone can start operating again. 

Armstrong Projects were behind the upgrade to the Vice-Presidents’ Lounge last season, and they have stepped forward again to be the driving force behind the recent programme of works that has enabled us now to set our sights on going live with the first phase within the next month. 

It is, of course, difficult to forecast anything with absolute certainty, but it is the club’s hope that phase one of the Fan Zone will be open in early September. 

Supporters will find that the bar in the Fan Zone is being run by Altrincham FC, rather than our friends at Libero. We greatly value our relationship with Libero and hope to run some specific events with them in the coming months. 

We would like to thank all our supporters for bearing with us and being patient while we addressed issues that delayed construction of the Fan Zone, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the new facilities once they are open.

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