Fan Zone: Update

We are pleased to announce that the Fan Zone is now ready to open. You have all shown extraordinary patience as the works have progressed and today’s FA Cup tie with Gateshead offers you all your first chance to look at the Fan Zone and to give us some feedback.
The Fan Zone is not open for business today - we are aiming to hit this particular milestone at the game with Oldham Athletic on Tuesday October 25th. But the area itself is now accessible, no longer sealed off and the Fan Zone is looking good. Please take the opportunity to pop in and take a look at today’s game – it will help us complete our final preparations for opening, in particular in determining the capacity of the Fan Zone and in finalising the ways of working we will need to put in place.

A lot of work has gone on over the last few months, under the aegis of Stadium Director Chris Hamlett and we thank Armstrong Projects for all their hard work in assuring successful delivery of the project. There is still some work to be done before the opening, including supplying lighting to the area and the installation of the roof. The initial proposition on offer from the Fan Zone will be a selection of Craft Beers from the first pod, which will evolve over time as we get a better idea of what everyone wants from the facility. There is more work to be done to determine the “art of the possible” in what we do with the second pod, which will most likely be a food offering, perhaps starting with a basic selection but with the intent to develop from there.
The Fan Zone represents the first major change to the Popular Side for many years. And as our average attendances continue to grow, we recognise that the facilities we offered for an average crowd of 6-700 are no longer appropriate for crowds of 2000 and above. Our intent in building the Fan Zone was to show we recognised the need to develop facilities to match the needs of our fans. It has taken us a while to get there, but this is only the start of works on that side of the ground.

So please, if you get a chance, pop over to the Fan Zone and take a look. Your help and support is as always greatly appreciated.

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