Community Sports launch matchday headsets and sensory bags

Altrincham FC Community Sports are continuing their commitment to ensure football is inclusive for all with the launch of additional accessibility provisions on Alty match days. The launch of both commentary and sensory bags is the latest provision.

The real time audio commentary is available at all home games, which will further enhance the match day experience of blind and partially sighted supporters. The coverage is provided by Radio Robins (on Radio Alty) and can be accessed around the whole ground via the specialized headsets.

The launch of both commentary and sensory bags is the latest provision provided using the funding from Joseph’s Challenge - No Limits.

 Alty Ability Officer Alex Heywood is delighted to launch this new initiative: "The launch of both the headsets and sensory items is an exciting time for both the football club and Altrincham FC Community sports.

"It will positively change the experience for many supporters on matchday and will enhance the value that the club is inclusive for all." 

The sensory bags and items are free of charge for neurodiverse supporters. The aim is to improve the matchday experience for supporters with neurodivergence and to ensure that football is inclusive for all. Sensory items can help neurodivergence supporters to self-regulate and focus. 

The packs include an Altrincham FC branded drawstring bag, earplugs, a teddy bear, fidget trax, crayons, and an activity pack.

Additionally, there will be individual items available for older supporters. These are: Earplugs, Altrincham FC Stress Ball, Altrincham FC sunglasses. 

Both of these items will be available to reserve prior to match-day by emailing: 

The Collection Process


  • Tuesday games | Supporters to call/email by 3pm on Monday to reserve
  • Saturday games | Supporters to call/email by 3pm on Friday to reserve


  • Collection | Corner near match day shop on matchdays in hall
  • Headsets | Supporters to return the headset to the designated area (Community Office) 15 minutes after the final whistle
2024/25 Half Season Ticket

Altrincham FC

2024/25 Half Season Ticket

$224.83 USD