A warm welcome to NES Fircroft

WE'RE delighted to announce another significant new partnership after joining forces with world-renowned but locally-based workforce solutions experts NES Fircroft.

The company have grown spectacularly since being co-founded by former Alty chairman Geoff Lloyd and are now the world's largest engineering staffing agency with in excess of 80 offices across the globe.

But they have never forgotten their local roots and have underlined a steadfast commitment to their home town by readily entering into a partnership with the Robins that will be marked by a brand-new sign above the Fan Zone at The J.Davidson Stadium.

Altrincham FC have established roots in the town, and with support from NES, we will continue to grow and make an impact on the local community.

It's fantastic to find a partner who have the same values as we do, and with this alignment in place, I know fantastic initiatives will follow. Thank you for all your support, and we welcome you to our Alty family - Sam Mackenzie (Alty's Director of Partnerships and Sponsors)

It is entirely fitting that a company based a stone's throw away from Alty at Station House on Stamford New Road but who have grown exponentially over the years should align themselves with the success story that has unfolded at The J.Davidson Stadium in recent seasons.

NES was founded in the 1970s, and we have always been proud of our North-West roots. Over the decades, we have grown into the world’s largest engineering staffing agency, with over 80 offices globally, but Altrincham remains at the heart of the company, with our Head Office still based in the town centre.

We are delighted to support our local club and look forward to working closely with them on their many community projects this year. I wish the Robins all the best for the season ahead - Stephen Buckley (NES Fircroft Chief Financial Officer)

NES Fircroft specialise in providing engineering and technical talent across the Renewables and Power, Life Sciences, Chemicals, Oil and Gas and Construction and Mining sectors.

The company work primarily in the energy sector and are dedicated to providing the workforce needed to support clients with reducing the environmental impact of traditional energy assets, as well as developing renewable energy sources - ultimately delivering energy security for the world.

Beyond energy, the growing demand for STEM skills has fuelled growth in other sectors, such as Chemicals and Life Sciences.

Staffing Industry Analysts recently listed NES, who deploy over 24,000 contractors, as the number one engineering staffing provider globally for 2023, recognising their enviable and unrivalled growth in challenging times.

Great to have you on board, NES Fircroft - welcome to the Alty Family, and here's to many happy and successful times together.

2024/25 Half Season Ticket

Altrincham FC

2024/25 Half Season Ticket

$224.27 USD