A good fit! Tech wizards Fitogether are perfect partners for Alty

Altrincham are delighted to announce a new partnership with world-renowned technology specialists Fitogether that promises to add an extra dimension to fitness work and the treatment of injuries at The J.Davidson Stadium.

Global leaders in the field of wearable technology, Fitogether’s special vests, fitted with a tracking device that feeds back specific and precise details of individual fitness levels, are already being worn by Alty players after a recent delivery by the club’s latest backers.

Welcoming an affiliation that should also prove an invaluable aid to the recovery process for injured players, Alty director Rob Esteva said: ‘We are delighted with the new partnership with Fitogether. It’s going to bring a whole new dimension to so much of what we do on and off the pitch and on match days as well as training.

‘A lot of it is around fitness and performance, but it also helps us to identify injuries and so forth. I’m excited about the difference it can make during the course of the season.’

Matt Fox, Alty’s strength and conditioning coach, added: ‘It is essentially a GPS system, and, having gone full-time, it is the first time we have been able to use it in and around training and match days.

‘What it does for me as strength and conditioning coach and the coaching staff, physio and whole medical team is it allows us to gradually increase the amount of work the lads are doing, especially pre-season.

‘That means gradually getting used to what they can tolerate, how much running can be done, and so on, and we can plan a lot around that. We can look at the data, as well as what we have seen with our own eyes, and it is going to give us a fuller picture. The gaffer will know if a player is up to speed in his recovery, and we will get a better understanding of how players can keep improving and keep moving forward.’

There was just as much enthusiasm for the new alliance from Fitogether, with Ross McKay saying: ‘Partnering Fitogether and Altrincham FC has been the perfect fit for these two organisations - a fast-paced developing tech company with a professional football club looking to constantly push forward in all aspects of the club and develop both on and off the pitch.

‘Working with Rob Esteva for the off-the-field matters and Mark Bushell and Matt Fox with all matters on the field has been seamless and an absolute pleasure. With data collection and technology in sport a driving force in club and player development, we are confident in this relationship and that the OhCoach system provided by Fitogether can provide those extra percentages to take the first team and club forward.

‘Instantly, a positive working professional relationship has been formed, and it's been great to watch the team and club develop as a whole in their first full season of full-time football.

 ‘It’s an exciting time to be part of the Fitogether brand, with the technology business being recently announced in October 2022 as FIFA’s Preferred Provider for GPS, a market leader in the EPTS/GPS field.

‘Fitogether and the OhCoach GPS are Fully Accredited by FIFA and have been recently upgraded to the FIFA EPTS Preferred Provider with the X-Cell and the newest Y-Cell surpassing some other long-standing competitors, in terms of accuracy and other areas within EPTS. You can find the details here along with the test results from the most recent testing stage.

 ‘We look forward to continuing this positive relationship with Altrincham FC for the rest of the 2022 /2023 season and further, and wish the team all the best.’

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