Thank you to our 21/22 Patrons

As the build-up for the 2022/23 season edges ever closer, it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge the support shown by our Patrons who the club would like to thank once again.

You came out in your numbers once again to pledge support with a magnificent 272 signing up for the scheme. At a time when we were navigating plenty of challenges around the pandemic, the support from our Patrons was a key factor in helping the club compete in the Vanarama National League.

For the 2022/23 season, the Patrons scheme may have a slightly new-look to it, but it offers more benefits and perks than ever before. You can become a member of our new LoyAlty program here. As a reminder, all proceeds go towards boosting the playing budget to give Phil and Neil the ammunition they need.

Check out all the new benefits from our partners such as Black Opal, Boujee Boxes, A-Plan Insurance and the Cresta Court which all Patrons signing up for the 22/23 season can take advantage of.

But for, a big thanks again to all of Patrons to last season – you really do make a difference!

1              Neil Faulkner

2              Hazel Faulkner

3              Anthony Faulkner

4              Darren Faulkner

5              Richard Faulkner

6              Miss Valerie Shaw

7              Stuart Ritchie

8              Nigel Lord

9              Philip Bate

10           Alan Ford

11           Paul Spencer

12           Peter Jackson

13           Alison Kelly

14           Ian Hudson

15           Phil Green

16           Andrew Timms

17           Brian and Carole Eyres

18           Doug Doherty

19           Peter Hughes

20           Rob Worrall

21           Anita Mottershead

22           Alan Blinkhorn

23           Ian Gordon

24           William Egan

25           Bill Egan

26           Paul Salt

27           Geoffrey Price

28           Phil Taylor

29           In memory of Jacqui Forster

30           Peter Baker

31           Mark Alton

32           Jeffrey Bradbury

33           Gail Cooper

34           Alan Cooper

35           Thomas Murray

36           Katie Murray

37           Alan Murray

38           Alasdair Costello

39           Oscar Pennycook

40           Andrew Pennycook

41           Alison Pennycook

42           Alan Pennycook

43           May Davis

44           Nigel Davis

45           Martin Gillet

46           Paul Daine

47           Leslie Roberts

48           David Kennerley

49           Sean Cobbledick

50           Roger Wade

51           Gary Molyneux

52           Stephen Taylor

53           Joan Taylor

54           Andrew Horner

55           David Slack

56           Phil James

58           Gill James

57           Edward Bishop

59           Dennis Bate

60           Eddie Drozdziak

61           Mark Embury

62           Geoffrey Wood

63           Andrew Colbridge

64           Darren Jordan

65           Darren Jordan

66           Richard Impey

67           Frederick J Woodfield

68           Cathal Morrison

69           Kirstie Morrison

70           Charlie Morrison

71           Stephen Hazlehurst

72           Julian Lillington

73           Harold Smith

74           Rob Esteva

75           Iris Esteva

76           Martha Esteva

77           Mia Ellison

78           Max Ellison

79           Kath Esteva

80           Gus Esteva

81           Thomas Shaw

82           Chris Morfitt

83           Jon Rouse

84           Alexander Wood

85           David Meadows

86           In Memory of David Cameron

87           Carl Harrison

88           Ian Poole

89           Robert Sharpe

90           Terry Surridge

91           In memory of James Surridge

92           Joe Wood

93           Brian Flynn

94           Allan Gordon

95           Phil Howden

96           Allison Lewis

97           Peter Lewis

98           Alistair Badham

99           John Coyne

100         Emma Coyne

101         Isabella Coyne

102         Barry Alan Clout

103         Laurence Howarth

104         Bryan Ford

105         James Boyd

106         James Warrington

107         Anthony Collier

108         In memory of David Holden

109         Howard Watts

110         Jackie Hudson

111         David Hudson

112         Andrew Leighton

113         Angela Stone

114         Lee Silvester

115         Jackie Hudson

116         David Hudson

117         Steve Barnes

118         Hazel Parker

119         Anjan Trivedi

120         John Cudlip

121         Graham Muir

122         Malcolm Riley

123         David Baldwin

124         The late Tom Baldwin

125         John Laidlar

126         Alison Barnett

127         Richard Hiscock

128         Derek Wilshaw

129         Ann Wilshaw

130         Simon Ellis

131         Simon Caine

132         Scott Burton

133         Timothy Olin

134         Allan Kirton

135         Martin Glll

136         Ray Sant and Jan Steggles

137         Geoff Carter

138         David Grundy

139         Stephen Garratt

140         Michael Green

141         Andy Brindle

142         Michael Jones

143         Rachel Wood

144         Graham Wood

145         Alan Budenberg

146         Oliver Needham

147         Mark Roberts

148         Brian Robinson

149         David Jennings

150         John Norbury

151         Andrew Shaw

152         Gordon Jones

153         Alan Bonson

154         Jackie Gallimore

155         Rob Gallimore

156         Barry Pond

157         Carol Pond

158         Ian Southworth

159         David Lewis

160         Helen Randle

161         Peter Foster

162         Peter Foster

163         Nigel Garner

164         L Ashurst

165         Peter Higson

166         Russell Neil

167         Patrick McMorrow

168         Malcolm Jackson

169         Ashley Mowers

170         Andy Wilson

171         In memory of Beverley Newton

172         James Pochin

173         Geoff Magee

174         Anthony Taylor

175         Alasdair Mackellar

176         John Petch

177         Matthew Wheeler

178         Matt Taylor

179         James Benson

180         David Nield

181         David Whittaker

182         Jimmy Wagg

183         Tracey Porter

184         Andrew Flynn

185         Steve O’Connor

186         Robert Amstutz

187         Paul Hutson

188         Phil Rasmussen

189         Declan Cavanagh

190         Richie Bentley

191         Eric Robinson

192         Eric Robinson

193         Ben Winstanley

194         Colin Watkins

195         Pete Scotson

196         Nic Seller

197         Paul Aldridge

198         John Wood

199         David Parker

200         Paul Murray

201         Peter Hindmarsh

202         Keith Piercy

203         Thomas Jacobs

204         Phoebe & Hugo Pilkington

205         Martin Hamnett

206         Marie Hamnett

207         Thomas Hamnett

208         Jack Hamnett

209         Robert Mousalli

210         Graeme McLaren

211         Ali Bongo

212         Pamela Leslie

213         Richard Furber

214         Dan Whitelegg

215         Jon Wall

216         Stuart Kilburn

217         Roger Holt

218         Nicola Combe

219         Paul Ogiliev

220         Damian Murray

221         James Gibb

222         Martin Glllet

223         Steve Mason

224         John Lamey

225         Martin Masters

226         Mr S Harrison

227         Brian Rooney

228         Ian Watmore

229         John Gill

230         Nigel Swinbank

231         Bob Peters

232         Steve Peters

233         Alan Marks

234         Mike Jenkinson

235         Ian Foden

236         Martin Green

237         Nigel Bunce

238         Andrew Weaver

239         Jonathan Robinson

240         Anthony George

241         Dave Cowburn

242         Edward Small

243         Dave Potts

244         Graeme Elliott

245         Les Pearson

246         Paul Howe

247         Steve Francis

248         Michael Longworth

249         Colin Allsobrook

250         Noel Shield

251         Barbara Blaber

252         Michael Eakin

253         John Henderson

254         Peter Clarke

255         Barry Pikesley

256         John Wadsworth

257         Patrick Thomson

258         John Hogburn & Erin Carroll

259         Neil Dawson

260         Kevin Winkley

261         Michael Davies

262         Gary Hardy

263         Ted Hardy

264         Neil Walker

265         Gareth Thomas

266         Dan Maudsley

267         David Peek

268         Thomas Birt

269         Diane Walton

270         Michael Leighton

271         Emmanuel Serrano

272         Si Toft

2024/25 Half Season Ticket

Altrincham FC

2024/25 Half Season Ticket

£170.00 GBP
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